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Our Story

Welcome to Lean Institute Belgium, the Belgian arm of the Global Lean Institute founded by Jim Womack and Dan Jones, the fathers of Lean in the western world. Lean is the name they gave to the Toyota Production System in their famous book 'The Machine that Changed the World' in 1990.
That year, Pierre Masai was working for the factory of Volkswagen in Brussels, and his CEO recommended him to read this book. Since then, a 35 years long journey of Lean started, first seeing it implemented outside Toyota, in Europe and in China, and then at Toyota since 2005. For these last twenty years, Pierre Masai was head of IT development, then VP & CIO Europe at Toyota, and from 2020 to 2023, he completed his travel to the source by working for Toyota in Japan, in Nagoya and Toyota City.
Haiyan Bai, the associate and wife of Pierre Masai, has worked 11 years for Volkswagen in China, where she witnessed Lean implementation, as well as for various local and Japanese companies. She has lived in China, Germany, France, Belgium and Japan, speaks five languages and has university degrees from China and Germany (Cologne). She has been involved in Pierre's Lean activities for the last 20 years and more recently giving training with Pierre to companies and through masterclasses.

Lean Institute in Belgium provides Executive Coaching, Lean training, and sells Lean books.
Depending on the missions, we can also tap into a large network of Lean professionals and we maintain excellent contacts and collaboration with the Lean Institutes in The Netherlands and France

Our Team

Lean Institute Belgium

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75 avenue Prince Baudouin, 1150 Bruxelles, Belgium

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